Use the frequently asked questions on this page to get pointed in the right direction to find a solution to your inquiry.
What is the difference in my advisor/ coach / faculty advisor?
Depending on their major and how far they have progressed in their degree, a student may have a Student Success Advisor, 教务顾问, 或者学生成功教练.
- Student Success Advisor – Serves as the primary academic advisor for a student early in their academic career, typically through their sophomore year.
- 教师 Advisor – When the student reaches upper level standing, typically around the start of their junior year, they will transition from a Student Success Advisor to 教务顾问 to support their academic advising and planning.
- Student Success Coach – Often the same person who served as the Student Success Advisor, this person provides ongoing support through academic coaching, 常规的签到, and assistance in identifying resources. The Student Success Coach remains with the student throughout their undergraduate experience at SCSU
顾问查询 to find their name(s) and contact information.
There are general requirements all bachelor degree-seeking undergraduate students must satisfy in order to graduate.
- 完成120学分
- At least 40 credits must be 300-level or higher
- At least 30 credits must be taken at SCSU
- 完整的要求 博雅教育 课程
除了, 你申报的专业, 小, or certificate will have additional requirements for graduation. The best way to know what your specific graduation requirements are is to check the
How do I send SCSU credit for prior learning (转移 credits, PSEO, CIS, CLEP, JST, IB, etc.)?
Connect with your advisor regarding any credits you plan to transfer to SCSU.
- MN State Credits (does not include University of Minnesota): If you took courses from a 明尼苏达州 system college or university after you attended St. 云之国,完成我们的在线 Electronic Transcript Evaluation Request Form.
- Other College credit: If you took courses from any other college or university after you attended St. 云州, request an official transcript be sent to the 记录和注册办公室
- AP和IB学分
- JST:圣. 云州 has a long-standing practice of honoring veterans. In an effort to help make veterans’ transition to life at St. 云州, we encourage you to have your official military transcript evaluated for possible credit. Official transcripts should be sent to the 记录和注册办公室, AS 118, 第四大道南720号, St. 云,MN 56301.
- Air Force veterans will need their CCAF transcripts; Army, 海军, 海军陆战队, and Coast Guard veterans will need JST transcripts.
- For more detailed information on how military service courses intersect with university courses, 退伍军人被鼓励读书 ACE’s Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experience in the Armed Services.
St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城
第四大道720号. S.
St. 云、锰. 56301-4498
你可联络 记录和注册办公室 to confirm receipt of official transcript(s).
Sign into e-Services to see which courses were accepted for transfer. Click Grades/Transcripts and then click Interactive Degree Audit Report.
停止了 - Reach out to your Student Success Advisor or Coach and notify them of your plans. If you are currently registered for courses you will need to discuss with your advisors your best options. If you are registered for a future semester you will want to drop those courses.
返回 -如果你以前在圣. 云州 and are returning to finish your undergraduate degree, you do not need to reapply for admission. 您可以拨打(320)308-6075或发送电子邮件 与顾问建立联系.
If you have earned your undergraduate degree from St. 云州 and want to return to for an additional undergraduate degree, follow these steps:
- 联系档案办公室 & 登记
- Consult with a graduation evaluator by calling 320-308-2111 or emailing The evaluator will obtain information from you, 解释你的选择, discuss University policies and procedures, and provide instructions tailored to your goals.
How do I update my information on my accounts?
To update your contact information, including your phone number and mailing address, 登入你的电子服务帐户 附上你的星号和密码. If you need assistance, contact (320) 308-2111 or
- Click Account Management, located on the left side of the screen.
- 然后单击地址信息.
- Review and update your local, permanent and diploma addresses.
(Note: the latter is the address where we will mail your diploma.)
How do I include study abroad or study away in my SCSU degree?
有意出国留学的学生 可以 探索可用的程序 and consult with an Education Abroad advisor before meeting with their Success Advisor.
New incoming students planning to study abroad during spring semester need to work with their advisor during Huskies Advising & 登记 Days to plan out your first and second semester schedules.
St国外教育. 云州